Monday, January 19, 2009


haih.... i felt this year i mean the year that i will be graduated soon.. the last semester really makes me mad...CRAZY, FRUSTRATED, and more more bad feeling. I really stress because of the study. Like, this last semester need to find volunteer to video recording the counselling session...feel really really bad.. even i had found 3 people..but i still hvnt decide how..really not easy to conduct the counselling...summore need at least 45-60 minutes in 1 session..there are 4 more session waiting for me...maybe the 1st session need to record again...very SCARED..want to cry... the first session make me faint..after recording i found lots of mistake that i had regret...i know the things is i very nervous during the recording..not because the video cam but is i keep worrying wat question i wan to ask.. very cam ler... i dunno wat will happen for the following session...tomoro need to find my lecturer to ask and see how the first session..i think my lecturer will shock also..for sure, i can know she will have bad comment to me..

Really hope that this 5 session quickly quickly end.. felt really bad...want to cry, cry, cry

but at least, from the session i had record..i know where is my mistake, n i want learn from mistake...

wish the time can reverse back and then can let me have correction.....

So, everyone...listen up.. "Once the time start, there will no turning back.Treasure our time and use it wisely..."